Tuesday, April 23, 2013

You Have Your Hearts Desire

Everyone’s hearts desire is different from one another. We each have our own passion that calls to us in our heart.  We all have a purpose, a reason we chose to be here. We chose to come here to have love, peace, joy, bliss and happiness.  What is your hearts desire? What do you feel would bring you such joy that you would explode with happiness if you had it? Is it a career? Is it a relationship?  Is it a service? Only you have the answer. What is it? This is between you and your heart. No parents, teachers, bosses, siblings, or friends voices are allowed. Ask your heart--what is my desire? I asked this of a client and she said her desire is to move to L.A.  Her very next sentence was, I’m worried about getting a new job. I asked her what she wanted from her new job. She said, I want be excited about going to work; I want to be operating out of my purpose; I want to make a difference; and I want to get paid well.  “So your hearts desire is you have a job you’re excited about, where you are operating out of your purpose, and that you make a difference, and you that you get paid well.” I suggested that she repeat the following words every day, “I have my hearts desire.” Not “I want it”, rather, “I have it”. Feel the difference? Energy attracts like energy. You saying that you have your heart’s desire will create energy in your heart, and will attract that energy to you. If you say I want this or that, then you are always wanting.  She said, “but how will I know which job is the right job for me?" I said, “you’re interviewing them too”-- your heart feels, and your hearts desired job will align with you. You will feel it in your heart. You will feel peace, calm, and expansion in your heart. If it’s not in alignment with your hearts desire, you will feel a contraction, confusion and conflict. Having your hearts desire is a practice. If you practice, you can see for yourself the energy of your desire. You are doing it weather you know it or not. Whatever is in your heart, positive or not, you are attracting it to you every moment of every day.  

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